It is said we are made of the dust of the earth.
Whence did this dust arise?
From the explosion of stars.
Thus, we are stardust.
And what do stars do?
They shine.
Hide not yourself under a bushel.
Except when you feel the need to hide,
Being wise to know the difference.
Let ever present grace
Provide encouragement and combustibles.
Meditation, companionship, creativity, and love.
When your light grows dim,
May you find another to help bring it back online.
Know stardust is in your bones.
It is your birthright.
May it light your path,
Provide warmth and comfort when you are in need.
Remember what Joni Mitchell has said,
We are stardust,
We are golden,
We are billion-year-old carbon.
And we’ve got to get ourselves
Back to the garden.