Cosmos and Chaos


Holy Mystery

Loving Presence

Another day to choose

My way of life.

Do I lead from my heart or my head?

Do I need to choose between them?

“What about me?” My body cries.

Oh, yes, the body has a say in this process.

But, without being steeped in You

Are they even trustworthy?

“Yet you have made [us] a little

Lower than Elohim.”  (Ps 8:5 NRSV)

So, we do bring ourselves to the decision matrix.

Those things with which you have gifted us.

Indeed, we are co-creators with the divine,

Called to make cosmos out of chaos.

Quote found right after I wrote this:  “In Chinese, the word for heart and mind is the same—Hsin.  For when the heart is open, and the mind is clear, they are of one substance, of one essence.”  Stephen Levine


Another Day


The Earth is My Mother