Before the Beginning

Before the beginning, Holy Mystery Is.
Out of its own nature Creation becomes.
Holy Mystery shares its Is-ness with all that is.
Holy Mystery is everywhere present.
But does that mean Holy Mystery is in all things?
The potter puts them self into the pot, but does not become the pot.
Is there a Whom, beyond myself, to which I can connect?
The theist solution says, “yes,” and gives that Whom myriads of names.
If Holy Mystery does not exist as somehow separate, whom am I addressing when I pray?
Are spiritual practices not so much a reaching for the Other as they are a tool for tuning our spirit to hear our own voice?
Are we left with the existential angst of being ultimately alone?
What does it mean to say Love is the center and all-pervading essence of the universe?


Let Go—Let God


Breathe Deeply